LANDMARK STRATEGIES PO Box 804 Whately, MA 01093 413-665-4638 |
Landmark Articles and Speeches
Downloadable Presentation Why Stable Value:
Revisiting Participant Investment Needs
a presentation available to the stable value communityRecent Publications and Presentations What Price a STIF?
winter, 2002
Stable Value Cash Flow Volatility: the Macro View
based on a presentation at the IIR GIC Symposium, April 2001
Stable Value: the Ideal Fixed Income Diversification Vehicle under ERISA 404(c)
based on a presentation at the Conference of Consulting Actuaries, October 1998Wanted: A defined contribution theory of asset allocation
Plan Sponsor, May 1998Do Defined Benefit Concepts Make Sense for Defined Contribution Investors?
Stable Value Investment Association Monograph #27, June 1997